GROUFIES may not be used to serve or support any activity that is considered illegal under the laws of the country of origin of the registered organization.
No transactions involving any exchange of money through any channel are to be done via Free Portal for Private and Public Organizations.
Contents not directly posted by the concerned institutions have been obtained from publicly available sources, in which case the original sources are duly cited.
Reservations and/or bookings for services may or may not be official if conducted via Free Portal for Private and Public Organizations depending on whether it is the institution concerned who is directly making the communication with the member. It is entirely up to the institution and not to GROUFIES to recognize the transaction as official or valid.
Updates to any or all parts of GROUFIES may be implemented without prior notice.
Data that is encoded in any part of GROUFIES will be archived if older than three years.
Ads may appear in any part of the website GROUFIES. This is how the website earns and covers the costs of maintaining this site without charging any of its members.
GROUFIES reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate any member if it is deemed in violation of any of the terms stipulated here.